Environmental Management System

One of the most pressing problems of our time – climate change – is associated with the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. To reduce the impact on the environment, the company implements a set of environmental programs at all levels of production activities.

Environmental Management System

Expanding the scale of its activities, Tengri Oil responsibly builds up its environmental management strategy, relying on an effective environmental management system, consistent implementation of the world’s best practices in engineering, technology and management. Preservation of a favorable environment and rational use of natural resources are priority business principles for Tengri Oil. They are the same for all subsidiaries of the company. An integrated environmental management system allows enterprises to adhere to these principles when carrying out activities in various areas.

An environmental management system that meets the requirements of the ISO 14001 international standards has been operating in the Tengri Oil of companies since 2021 and is audited annually by independent audit organizations. In 2022, Tengri Oil confirmed the compliance of its environmental management system with the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001: 2015. Thanks to the improvement of the environmental management system, Tengri Oil is consistently moving from taking measures to eliminate damage to assessing potential environmental risks and introducing preventive measures to prevent the impact of production activities on the environment. In accordance with the requirements of the ISO 14001: 2015 standard, the Company has set targets for the performance of the environmental management system for 2022.

Environmental Activity

All measures taken by Tengri Oil in the field of environmental control at the Eastern section of the Kazakhstan oil and gas condensate field are combined into the SHIELD program. A large-scale investment project worth 2.3 billion rubles will be completed by 2023. It will provide comprehensive control over the state of atmospheric air and environmental protection at the OOGCF VU.

The air condition in the settlements closest to the OOGCF VU is monitored by 10 stationary posts and 3 mobile ecological laboratories. Each of the stations in the round-the-clock mode measures the content of nitrogen oxide and dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide and the amount of hydrocarbons in the air. Also, monitoring posts record meteorological parameters – humidity, pressure, temperature, wind speed and direction. All these data are automatically and online transmitted to a single service for monitoring the gas-air environment of the enterprise. And then – into the Unified Environmental Monitoring System of the region.

Residents of Kazakhstan can quickly and online learn about the environmental situation in the area of the enterprise’s operations in the Eastern section of the Shymkent oil and gas condensate field (VU OOGKF). Tengri Oil signed an agreement with the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Property Relations of the Shymkent on information interaction within the framework of the Unified Environmental Monitoring System (ESEM). The company uses modern environmentally friendly technologies and materials, takes measures aimed at improving the rational use of associated petroleum gas, land reclamation. All this makes it possible to create one of the most advanced environmental control systems in Kazakhstan.

Energy Efficiency

Improving the energy efficiency of production assets is one of the priority areas for improving operational efficiency. The energy policy of Tengri Oil approved in 2022, is aimed at improving the energy efficiency of Tengri Oil production enterprises, reducing their impact on the environment and reducing the consumption of energy resources. The energy management system of Tengri Oil is based on the international standard ISO 50001, which regulates the processes of systemic energy efficiency management. The company has formed an integrated energy management system in accordance with the requirements of the standard. The introduction of modern production management tools gives Tengri Oil the opportunity to effectively use the best global and domestic practices for managing the consumption of fuel and energy resources.

In 2022, Tengri Oil successfully passed the certification of its energy management system (EMS) in accordance with the international standard ISO 50001: 2011. The certification by the enterprise proves that the built energy management system of Tengri Oil complies with the best world practices – this allows to increase the efficiency of energy use, reduce costs and improve the environmental component of the enterprise’s activities. The priority in the energy sector is its own generation. Already, it accounts for 68% of the electricity used by Tengri Oil, and the dynamically developing Shymkent field is fully supplied with its own electricity. By the end of the year, the Shymkent power complex will consist of 15 gas piston generators with a total installed capacity of 15 MW.