Social Responsibility and Charity

The likelihood of an accident at an oil production facility, an oil refinery or at any point in the supply chain is low, according to statistics. However, this risk still exists, which is why Tengri Oil has developed and implemented an emergency prevention and response system. With its help, measures are planned and implemented aimed at preventing emergencies, protecting employees and production facilities.

Social Responsibility and Charity

Tengri Oil and the Government of the Kazakhstan signed an agreement on social and economic partnership for 2020-2022. The document was signed by, Chairman of the Tengri Oil Management Committee. The three-year agreement defines the basic principles and key areas of cooperation between the parties in the interests of the development of the region. The partners agreed to cooperate in the implementation of investment and social projects of Tengri Oil. And also – on joint work to introduce advanced mining technologies and improve the environmental friendliness of production in the Shymkent region.

The document reflects socially significant initiatives that will be implemented in the Shymkent region with the participation of Tengri Oil in 2022. The company will support social programs of regional significance, sports, educational and cultural programs in Kazakhstan, Shymkent region. The agreement also provides for the allocation of funds for solving transport issues and targeted assistance to municipalities. Tengri Oil plays a significant role in the development of the territories of its presence, being a major taxpayer and employer, and regards its social investments as a contribution to the accumulation of high-quality human capital, to the development of the socio-economic and cultural potential of the region.

In the Shymkent Region, as in all regions of Tengri Oil presence, the social investment program is being implemented, the key areas of which are the development of social infrastructure, support for sports, education, healthcare and other significant social projects aimed at improving the quality of life of the population. As part of the program, the company has built open sports grounds for year-round operation, children’s playgrounds have been erected in the districts, cultural and educational institutions, houses of large families have been repaired, and their territories have been landscaped. The Company is involved in a program of voluntary medical insurance, giving its employees and non-working pensioners an opportunity to obtain quality medical services free of charge. The program of voluntary medical insurance provides the guaranteed delivery of medical aid by highly-skilled health workers. Employees and non-working pensioners of the Company are given individual attention to health problems.