Industrial Safety

Security is the corporate value of Tengri Oil . This is reflected in the actions of all employees of the company, at all levels and in all areas of activity.

Industrial Safety

Every year, competitions are held among Refinery employees for training in the event of a fire or any other possible emergency, with the goal of saving lives. Tengri Oil gas safety group has been certified and trained to undertake emergency safe tasks and assist in first aid in the event of an incident. The Refinery’s hazardous process units are outfitted with computer training complexes to prepare staff for potential emergency situations. Personnel at refineries are well outfitted with protective clothing and equipment. Individual gas analyzers are provided to the personnel at numerous workshops. Every year, all Refinery employees complete medical examinations. A variety of procedures is implemented to keep Refinery employees healthy: influenza and other infection illness immunizations are administered, workers are sent to resort sanatoriums, and persons working in hazardous situations are given dairy products and dietary food.

There is a polyclinic on the Tengri Oil site that is equipped with all of the required medical tools and medications for first assistance. With the help of an integrated safety system created specifically for the refinery, Tengri Oil resources protection control offers day and night guarding of the refinery, preventing illegal personnel and transportation vehicles from entering the refinery’s property. Regular monitoring of the Contractor’s actions is performed by refining departments.

Production Safety Policy

When carrying out production activities, Tengri Oil is guided by the requirements of the environmental legislation of the Kazakhstan and the Tengri Oil Policy in the field of industrial and environmental safety, labor protection and civil protection and social responsibility. Priority measures are aimed at preventing negative impact on environmental objects and rational use of resources. The company is implementing projects for the utilization of associated petroleum gas. At the Shymkent fields, gas reciprocating generators operating on this fuel are used.

At the Eastern section of the Shymkent oil and gas condensate field, a complex of infrastructure facilities for the compression and transportation of associated petroleum gas to the Shymkent GPP is under construction. In order to ensure reliable operation of pipelines at the company’s fields, work has been organized for external and in-line pipeline diagnostics, which make it possible to assess the operational suitability of the pipeline and predict its service life. Work is also underway to monitor the corrosion rate. Great importance is attached to environmental monitoring in order to timely identify negative impacts and eliminate them.

Safety Culture

The safety culture of Tengri Oil is based on the personal responsibility of each employee and the involvement of all employees of the company and representatives of contractors in the process of improving the safety level. This priority is reflected in the general corporate slogan of Tengri Oil – “Safety begins with you”. One of the key tools for enhancing production culture is training. In 2022, 644 employees of Tengri Oil took courses in various programs, including Safety Rules in the Oil and Gas Industry and Environmental Safety and others. The enterprise annually conducts training sessions in order to develop the skills of personnel to eliminate possible accidents, as well as to interact in this direction with government bodies of different levels.

Contractor management is one of the priorities of Tengri Oil in the field of industrial safety. The company provides conditions for the safe work of its employees and requires the same from partners. To conduct a constructive dialogue with partners, the company conducts quarterly meetings with the first heads of contractors, at which the results of work for the reporting period in the field of industrial safety are summed up, problematic issues in interaction are discussed and plans for the future period are determined. Contractors are rated on a quarterly basis, which makes it possible to promptly implement corrective programs.

As part of the Stages strategy of interaction with contractors, Tengri Oil carries out daily joint monitoring of compliance with industrial and environmental safety requirements at its own facilities. The monitoring involves employees of mobile groups of security companies and employees of the Occupational Safety Directorate (UPB). Also, UPB employees audit contractors at the stage of prequalification of contractors and at the stage of their admission to work, conduct monthly training on corporate standards in the field of industrial environmental safety of managers and specialists of contractors.