Offshore Services

The share of hard-to-recover reserves in Tengri Oil portfolio is about 40%. These are the residual resources of depleted fields, and deposits with thin oil reservoirs, and low-permeability reservoirs. Their development is possible only with the help of high-tech horizontal and multilateral wells, for the construction of which Tengri Oil implements modern downhole equipment, uses remote online monitoring technologies and applies organizational technologies aimed at optimizing the drilling process and reducing costs.

Offshore Services

For Tengri Oil, offshore projects are a strategic line of business. Tengri Oil also contributes to the development of the Kazakhstan . The majority of the fields on the Sakhalin shelf have been identified thanks to the Company’s expertise. On the deposits of the Russian offshore projects “Sakhalin-1” and “Sakhalin-2,” as well as the Shymkent geological prospecting work was underway. By drilling a segment of Kazakhstan first horizontal well with an extended reach from the Sakhalin shore, in the Odoptu-Sea, the North Dome, our expertise contributed to oil production on the continental shelf.

With 5 licenses encompassing the areas of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, and Southern seas as of January 1, 2022, the Company is now the largest subsoil user on the Kazakhstan . The hydrocarbon resources of these territories are estimated to be 41.5 billion tons of oil equivalent. In addition, the firm oversees a Black Sea offshore project. As of April 1, 2022, the Company is conducting geological investigations of subsoil resources in 5 licensing blocks on the Kazakhstan and inland seas. Five oil and gas exploration and production licenses were issued, including hydrocarbon production at three sites. The licensee’s obligations have been completely met.

Remote drilling support

Tengri Oil constructed the Geonavigator Drilling Control Center to improve the efficiency of high-tech well construction (CDC). CUB is present in almost all difficult facilities, including wells with huge loads, extended horizontal sections, superdeep and multilateral wells. The Center also oversees the drilling of all wells aimed at extracting difficult-to-recover hydrocarbon reserves as well as the testing of all new drilling technology.

The CUB’s work is based on geosteering technology, which involves obtaining information about the geological model of the field swiftly and adjusting the well direction accordingly. During drilling, the Center receives data from the drilling tool immediately, and the most up-to-date information is shown on the field’s geological model. The actual data is compared to the design data, the well trajectory is checked, and if necessary, the well trajectory is adjusted to get into the target zone. As new information becomes available, the cycle repeats again, providing for continual drilling control.

The delay in obtaining data on the surrounding rock from the drilling tool, which is meant to prohibit sensors from being put closer than 15 meters from the bit, was a serious problem that hampered the precision of digging a well in an oil reserve until recently. To address this problem, the Tengri Oil and Technology Center developed the industry’s first self-learning cost optimization program for drilling complex wells, which allows geologists to refine reservoir geology in real time using indirect parameters and adjust the drilling trajectory if necessary.

The application assesses indicators such as vibration level, drilling speed and rotor rotation, and bit load, which vary depending on the formation’s characteristics, allowing you to estimate the rock’s composition without having to wait for data from the drilling tool’s sensors. The forecast of the surrounding rock’s composition improves with each meter drilled because the software is taught on the fly. During industrial experiments at Tengri Oil properties, the accuracy of forecasting rock alteration during well drilling was 70%.